Monday, July 18, 2011



Briket Sampah Organik

Briquettes Organic Waste

Making briquettes of this type are relatively inexpensive and simple. Organic waste first burned in a pit to be charcoal. Charcoal and then pounded, crushed, and filtered into powder. After given a mix of gluten (starch), powder and then printed.

In the process, only black charcoal processed because more concentrated quality in generating energy. This leaves charcoal until finely crushed and mixed with starch by measure with 1 to 4. Starch is used only a little since it was only as an adhesive. Once blended, the dough is reprinted as needed and left to dry. After the drying process, until the water levels are missing, it is making briquettes ready-made garbage.

In addition to replacing kerosene, charcoal briquettes are also environmentally friendly as it does not contain chemical substances that are dangerous. Briquettes also frugal and can burn longer, i.e. six hours continuously without the need for dikipasi. Once used, the dregs of garbage remain useful briquettes for fertilizer plants.

Briquettes Hyacinth

Hyacinth was fond of covering the surface of the water with incredible growing speed. Crop weeds cause fuss pendangkalan. At Cihampelas, Bandung, Briquette business group has been to work towards the utilization of Bio Power plants this weed to be alternative fuels.

First, hyacinth being then grinded with grinder machine is simple. Water perasannya are separated and can be used for fertilizer. While it's hyacinth used to mulch ornamental plants, not for vegetables, fearing no B3 Sliced hyacinth mixed with clay, lime, and sawdust.

After that, the mixture is inserted into the cylinder of a diameter of 15 cm printer. After three days in the Sun, briquettes hyacinth can immediately use. With plus a bit of kerosene, briquettes will soon get hot and ready for cooking.

Briquettes can also be burned so that it becomes a bio of charcoal. With higher carbon content and moisture content is reduced, the quality of bio charcoal is better than briketnya. In addition, eco-friendly charcoal briquettes and bio is more fragrant and less smoke.

Unfortunately, the relatively short time menyalanya about 10 minutes to 3-4 charcoal briquettes or bio. However waste combustion of charcoal briquettes or bio can still be exploited for abu rub or salted egg making, so nothing is wasted.

Briquettes Of Waste Nut Shells

Manufacture of briquettes peanut skin it starts with burning. After being a nut shell, charcoal is still intact then grinded shaped. The next process, charcoal powder that is mixed with bark peanut glue dough, then kanji dipres for printing. The mixing of the dough nut with skin-dust glue kanji requires comparison of 10: 1, so each 10 kilograms of peanut skin powder requires one kilograms of glue to get kanji into a briquette cutter dipres desired. Once printed, thus drying process briquettes to dry.

Of the overall production process of waste organic waste it briquettes, pembakaranlah which take a while, more or less around two to two and a half hours. When done burning it, we should really be looking at the overall process, cannot be left having to constantly supervised, do not let the fire die because later on it will fail. However, it also should not be allowed to live (enlarged) because the nut burned skin will become ashes, when it's so grey could not be made into powder. Easy-easy to difficult, indeed. For that he must always observe carefully when combustion process that is ongoing through the smoke produced from combustion.

Every single barrel drum sizes being able to load 10 kilograms of peanut skin to burn. Then, later, would result in briquettes as much as 5-6 pounds. If you can make use of work time effectively, per day, could produce up to two kuintal briquettes are ready to use.

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