Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hang Out With The Google Plus !!


After failing with his Social Network called Google Buzz and Google Wave,and finally Google is a new product called Google Plus(+).

Google Plus is rumored candidate who would beat up. how not? Many reasons facebook going to lose! see wrote several 'reasons why people will move from Facebook to Google plus' of this PCWorld:

- Google + connect with other Google services like YouTube, Gmail, Blogspot, Picasa etc.
- Management of a better friend (read Circle concept later)
- It's easier to find things to share in (the concept of Sparks)
- Group Chat feature a more powerful (the concept Huddle)
- Share content more secure (privacy)

Circle is a kind of group of people in our real life, this explanation .. each person has a friend, but the apartment was certainly different backgrounds? there is a group of close friend then they go in one circle (up to its name what, what was the name of the group, it's up) There are also a bunch of new friend who is known through the web for example, Ada temen elementary, junior high school friend group, their high school's entrance in a different circle . at Google Plus, Circle is important.

With this Circle we will be more optimal to use other features on Google +, For example .. Hangouts; if it sort of hang out or hang out so yes. Well, there are features in Google +, the later one, people started to turn on webcam Hangout, constantly choosing what to participate circle hangouts with him at that time.

Google plus was really new, a new user through the invitation invitations alias wrote to several people. What is clear, who is in the add into the circle of people who already pake Google +, can automatically go try Google plus as well.

Those who do not have a Google Plus and want to be able invitan. send an email you wrote in the comment box below. I'll invite. okay. I'll see you on google plus.

So, do ya want to try that ? its so sexy...

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