Monday, August 8, 2011

Keep Your Security And The Family In The Digital World


Help children learn the basics of digital security

Technology makes it so easy, so that children can connect with friends and family wherever they are. But these connections can lead to enormous costs if the kids are not careful. Learning to protect the personally identifiable information, creating strong passwords, and be careful when downloading programs and files that are important for safety and security of children using digital devices, as well as information storing device. Otherwise, children may expose themselves and their families for digital threats such as computer viruses, data and identity theft, and hacking.

What is a Digital Safety?

To understand the safety and security of digital, you will need to learn some new words: phishing, malware, spyware, spam, and yes, even trash. These programs are easily slipped into the favorite software, for example, downloading a game that looks really cool - and then wreak havoc when installed on your computer. Security programs can block them, but one of the most important weapon is to teach children to understand that the information itself is something to be cherished.


If children do not protect their personal information, there are many potential risks: damage to hardware, identity theft or financial loss. But children may not realize that they put their information in jeopardy, because the warning signs are not always clear.

A friend might ask your child's computer password to play the game, and then access your child's personal email account. Or your child may be using a file-sharing programs that pass viruses to your computer. To participate in online contests, your tween may be asked to provide personal identifiable information such as home phone number, address, date of birth, or Social Security number, all of which are open to family risk of identity theft. Just like in real life, children should know who to trust with information. It is as true in the digital world is the real world.

Tips for all children

Mastering the art of creating a password. It can actually be fun to develop a password that is really good. Strong passwords is a key defense against unauthorized access to your information, as well as identify theft.

Knowing the difference between the value of information sharing and personal information. There are many ways you can share ideas and creativity online, but personal information remains private. Do not include personal identifying information such as phone number, address, or date of birth to download something. And never give your Social Security number or credit card information.

Be careful of what you download. Be careful downloading free games or video to your computer. These programs often come with spyware and viruses that will land in stores on your computer.

Tips for making the perfect password

Protect yourself - and your stuff - with a strong password that protects your digital data.

Use these tips to help you do it:

  • Do not use passwords that are easy to guess - like your nickname or the name of your pet. People who know you well can guess this kind of password.
  • Do not use personal identifying information in your password. Identity thieves can use this information to pretend to be you.
  • Do not use a word in the dictionary as a password. Hackers use programs that will try every word in the dictionary to guess passwords.
  • Use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. It is harder to guess than ordinary words because there are more combinations to try. 

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4 Responses so far.

  1. Nicely written, I will keep these things in mind. Thanks!

  2. Ann Brien says:

    Excellent post. An absolute must-read for every parent and older child. Thank you for that great information.

  3. Saru,,we keep it together..:D

  4. Ann mom have done to me..:D

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